Remember, tomorrow might be too late!
Do you know that Judas knew Jesus, He was taught by Him, he was even the treasurer. But do you know that he missed it and went to hell? The thief on the cross is a sinner, never listened to Jesus, yet he went to paradise.
Brother, it will be a sad thing that after all your going to church day and night, your activeness in church, your preaching to others, your living holy life, and yet you missed RAPTURE. And a man who has been sinning since he was born, defiled Many, killed many, enjoyed fornication and adultery, changed figures and All such, make heaven.
Sisters, it doesn’t matter how long you have given your life to JESUS, the fact remains, if He should come now, will you go with Rapture? A little lie is enough to send you to hell. A little backbiting, malice, unforgiveness, hatred is enough to make you a candidate of lake of fire.
Brethren, let repent genuinely, and do our restitution (confess that sin to the person, tell that friend that you are sorry, return that money you stole, confess that you changed that figure, tell your boss that you falsify your age, …..).
Remember, tomorrow might be too late.
Evang. Gabriel O. Richard